Warren Kim 김웨렌
- 1992 graduate from University of Hawaii, Richardson School of Law
- Current CAAP Arbitrator for the First Circuit Court, Honolulu, Hawaii
- Member of American Immigration Association of America
- Past lecturer on international economics law at a university
- Past in house counsel for a multi-national company, POSEC, with legal experiences covering the globe for projects worth from 500 million to a billion US dollars in countries like India, Egypt, Sri Lanka, Germany, Malaysia, France, and many other countries.
- Fluent in English and Korean
- Former legal consultant in Korea
- Over twenty-five years experience as an attorney
- 법학박사92년도졸업
- 93하와이변호사협회회원및하와이합동법률사무소실무경험
- 대학법학교수및기업고문변호사
- 한국기업포항제철(POSCO)국제계약및검토국제변호사
- 한국국영기업체(한국중공업)법률검토및계약서검토
- 현하와이이민변호사협회회원
- 현하와이법원CAAP중개인
- 하와이중앙일보법률칼럼기재